Sunday, January 12, 2014

A peaceful Concrete Jungle?

Sirens, yelling, talking, changing lights, honking, walking the streets of New York I notice the city really never stops. Everyone has a different ending point to their journey. Whether it be their journey home, to work,  or their journey through life. As I look at the busy individuals who pass me usually with little recognition that I, as well, am passing them, I notice assurance in most of their faces. They know where they are going. The city scares me in a way when I look at my own life and think I really don't know where I am going. I wonder how they got to where they are now? Did they know that one day they would be working the job they now obtain? Did they ever feel lost on their journey to finding themselves and the job they wanted? Are they still lost and wandering in this busy concrete jungle, as lost as I?
 A concrete jungle, I was always confused on this reference but it makes since you got all different species of people living in one small city in skyscrapers. When I think of a jungle I think of all different types of animals that roam the wilderness during the day and those nocturnal animals that own the jungle at night. This is the city that never sleeps. Or in other words the jungle that never sleeps. I feel like I am an animal that got dropped in the wrong habitat that needs to fight for survival of this new habitat I roam. I am pushed out of my comfort zone. The jungle makes me feel lost but I feel like I am on the right way to finding a habitat I can survive in and be happy. In this jungle I have to find my peace. 
 I often look for moments of silence in the city. It is very rare you don't hear construction or an impatient taxi driver who can't wait that extra second. It is hard to find solitude here. The other day though when my friend came to visit a giant snow storm hit the city. The news casters warned the city to stay inside but, being the rebellious souls we are we went out. We were walking down the street snow falling and I heard a sound I have not heard here before. Complete peaceful silence. The amazement rushed over me I was so thrilled I glanced at the sky and at the road and noticed a beautiful white layer covering the dirty bits of the city up. Like a warm blanket saying to the city, breathe, sleep, and be still. I could not figure out why this thought had been on my mind so long but today I figured that this thought of peace is a little bit of happiness and I will obtain it someday. 
I imagine when I decide what career path I want to peruse that I will find peace. It will be like a beautiful peaceful moment. I know my heart will have a moment of silence rather than panic beating or sad disappointment. With the a white blanket covering me saying breathe, sleep, be still. I know that this is not a perfect ending once I make the career choice but I also know that I will feel better and I will be one of those people passing by a lost individual who wonders the same about my assurance of my path. 
I still have a lot to figure out but here I hope to find my missing map with my next direction.