Saturday, March 14, 2015


I have decided no one can make you happy but yourself. As much as I try to deny that people can't make you happy they can only add to your happiness, I can't deny the truth. Until we are happy with ourselves, others can't add to our happiness. My biggest struggle in life has been trying to be happy with myself. I have a problem with being happy with who I am. Confidence is a struggle for me. I hate more than anything that this is my struggle. I have so much to be grateful for. I am not disappointed in the life I have been given. I have a great life. I just need to start loving myself and my situation.
 Sometimes I worry about others too much and their standard they hold for me. I feel as if I can never reach the standard they have for me which causes me just to be more disappointed in myself. This kills my confidence and my happiness. I hope one day I can live up to my own standard and not others because for now my happiness is not there. I hope one day I can see what others see in my potential. For now I will do my best to find my happiness. One day I hope I can see what others say they can see in me. One day I hope I can gain confidence. I hope I can realize my full potential. I hope that I will not disappoint others and most importantly myself.

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