Friday, October 12, 2012

As I walk out side the aroma of the crisp air awakens my mind. I am reunited with the memories of things of changing beauty.  I love the color changes that surround me; yellow, orange, tan, brown, pink. Nature and its natural beauty never ceases to amaze me. Fall is the start of cold yet warmth. This time of year is so reasuring to me. For some reason it puts thought into my head that everything is going to be just fine. Another thought is change. I look at this beautiful tree as I walk to class it is partialy green and partially yellow. I see something that has put a new perspective in my mind. This tree will soon be bald all of its beauty will be on the grass lying dead. Helpless. Helpless? No not helpless, helpful. The leaves will be carried swiftly away by the strong forces of wind. These beautiful leaves now have a new purpose than just giving the tree they were once a part of beauty. These leaves now give an unseen beauty they are being part of a new life. Spreading to the unknown to us but giving nutrients to a new life. This is the realization I had. That trees aren't the only beauty with change. We are too. We have the ability to change our beauty and not just our outer beauty our inner beauty too. We just need to decide what to change what in our lives we can do to make us more beautiful in the influences we have on the earth. Once we decide to make the change shread our leaves and we can grow a new change of leaves for ourselves. I challenge you to make a change to improve yourself. It can be a change just that you need to make to make yourself better or it can be something to make someone else life better.I have challenged myself to find at least one person to help with service. Selfless service. I will be the unseen seed of life falling to the ground to spread beauty somewhere else. I had a really heart warming experience a couple months ago. I have a teacher whose daughter got diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia. She had a really bad infection in her leg and she almost lost her life. She has no defenses in her body. I decided to make an effort to let her know that I could help her. But something we learned in Sunday School was stop saying, "let me know if there is anything I can do?" Instead say hey I am really good at this would you like me to come and help you with anything? So I wrote her a message telling her I was giving her at least 10 hours of free house cleaning. I went over there. The daughter is weak but so strong. She is like a willow weak on the outside with branches waving by the temptation of the wind. But so strong on the inside with her roots planted in the ground. Not moving by the strong winds trying to break her. She is probably one of the most selfless people I have ever met. When I was cleaning I heard her talking on the phone to her friend that was sick. Smiles in her voice and with true love she said I hope you feel better. Never once did I hear her say I am not feeling well. She was so concerned about her friend. I was changed this day to be a better person change my beauty to service of others. When I was about to leave my old teacher came in and said "thank you so much this is the most thoughtful thing someone has done for me in a long time." She said people always say let me know if there is anything to do. But I never know what to ask for so thank you for your help. It broke my heart. How many times have I said "let me know what I can do for you?" There are people that probably needed my help but they wouldn't ask for it because they didn't know what to ask for. I am hoping that I stick with my goal. I hope that you find something this fall season to change for. Let your leaves die spread them to others and make their leaves grow. I hope all is well in your lives and you remember that you are a beauty and how you improve your beauty says a lot about who you are and what you become. Fall for change.

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