Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 3 of my Asian journey

Day 3
Today was an interesting day I slept for sooooo long. Grandma and I decided to have breakfast at Denny's. She had scrambled eggs and Toast and I had French toast. I love the service her everyone is so kind and everything is so well thought out to get your server you ring an electronic bell and your server comes exactly when you are ready. Doors are automatic but you push a button so it doesn't waste energy. Since we only had 2 1/2 hours til Kaleb's graduation we decided not to explore and just try and use the subways to get to the graduation. Kumiko told us where it so we just had to figure out the train route so we asked the lady at the front desk. Here is some foreshadowing this was like walking to a desert mirage.  After we decided to go to Kaleb's graduation the lady told us the wrong train so we had to walk 45 min to the Prince hotel. We took a wrong turn and ended up in a private driveway. After finding a man on the street that spoke English he told us it was just a little ways further. Finally the desert mirage turned into an actual object no hallucinations here only some poor looking hair and sweat dripping mascara as we arrive 30 min early.  I think the hardest thing is not being able to speak or read anything so I can't really get around myself at least I knew a small amount of spanish and had some help when I needed it in Guatemala. The graduation was really nice afterward they had dinner for everyone. They were serving vodka and OJ so indeed naturally I got the Vodka and OJ. Hahaha ok maybe just OJ. But I had the best orange chicken of my life. I also got a pasta that looked like it had carrots in it turns out it was fish I spit it out, however the more I spit the more came out, it would not stop coming. I looked like a vomiting gorilla. It was so improper and embarrassing hahaha oh well. But the deserts is where it was at! I sampled every desert. Haha it was delicious. We took tons and tons of pictures.Our next journey was the Tokyo temple on our way down the walk to get our cab and someone comes running at me like a lion about to attack a nice big piece of Zebra. Although I was expecting a knock to the ground he came to a halt. It was a man from Israel with a cigarette in one hand and a drink in another as he stumbled to grab my hand with the drink hand then switched to the cigarette hand. Then he decided to plop it in his mouth and the ashes are about to fall on my hand he asks "What is your name" I replied and he said his name honestly I don't know what he said his name was. The cigarette was blocking his pronunciation  Next we exchanged where we were from and he said well it was so nice to meet you as he was still holding my hand as the relatives were waiting for me to end my random conversation he kissed my hand and we dismissed each other. Next we caught a taxi and went to the Tokyo temple it was small but very beautiful. I really loved it. Next we walked across to a beautiful garden across the street from the temple. It was beautiful ducks swimming in the pond. I wish we could have seen it in the morning instead of at night. I have just loved this experience it has been beautiful and so fun to get to travel with my grandma and aunt and uncles. Having a blast!
Love Desi

Sent from  my iPod

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