Sunday, June 9, 2013

JaPan day 1

Day 1
Today was a long day considering we left June 6th at 6 am and got to Japan June 7th at 5:30 pm. Losing a day was no fun. But when we got out of customs we met Kumiko (my uncles girlfriend). She told us we had to hurry because Kalebs boss was waiting for us at a spa and she was paying for all of us to go there. We had to run get our rail passes and ran to 2 trains the first took us to Tokyo station the next took us to the location for us to get a cab. We got in the cab and around 8 o'clock we got to the spa. Inside it was beautiful. We all had to take off our shoes to walk around inside so before you could step on the wood floor you had to take off your shoes. We then put our bags away and met Kaleb's boss. She is the one that owns the kindergarten that Kaleb teaches at I guess her husband and her have loads of money. In the spa they gave all of us a wrist band and that was the key that let us pay for everything we did in the spa. She told us to eat whatever and do whatever. After we received our wrist bands we then went to get a Komodo. Everyone has to wear one in the spa. They let you pick out your favorite color and wrap color. We then went to the dressing rooms. It was a rapid and shocking discovery to see that changing in front of people there was normal. So there were no dressing rooms just a single room. Kumiko told us we could only wear our underware under the Komodos. Although when we get to the hot springs we can't wear anything! Nothing, in the nude, bare body, all reveling!!! Can you say panic attack! After having a minor panic attack almost fainting in panic from knowing that we would have to be in the nude in a short while we moved on to eat. That is just what I needed to do before I went around showing everyone what the good Lord gave me! I needed to run a couple 1000 miles before I show my full moon to the world. So we walked out of the dressing room in or Komodos and the boss says eat whatever you want. The room was dim and the floors all hard wood. People were eating The inside of this spa was so neat they had a whole food court you just walk around decide what you want and charge it to your wrist band. I decided to have a soy pork ramen noodle dish with a side of fried roll. It was really good there was just way too much food and the rolls tasted like fish. And if you know me that is like tasting death!! I then got an ice cream cone made from one of their fruit no idea what it was called. I also tried some dried root, that was delicious and tofu. Or should I say toilet paper hahaha. That is what it tasted like to me. I promised my mom I would try some sea food so mother get your proud pants on because I had a 1/4 teaspoon of fried crab and GUESS WHAT I.... Still hate it! Sooooo gross. One day. After dinner we went to the hot pools grandma and I didn't want to offend the sweet lady who paid for us to go there it was so awkward grandma and I didn't want to even get in but you have to bath at an individual station you sit down at a mirror and rinse off! First of all who looks at themselves in a mirror naked or better yet bathes in front of one. We washed off as fast as we could then we found the hot pool with the most bubbles then we did the unthinkable we went skinny dipping in the hot pools. Hahaha this is my most awkward confession let's just say fastest towel to water transition ever! We sat there. For 5 min staring at the wall so we didn't have to see other people then we hurry and jumped out. We showered and then went back and got a full body massage. Oh my so amazing you that know me well know I hate being touched by other people, so getting a massage isn't the first thing I would do but this was amazing! So relaxing I fell asleep in the first 15 min. After the massage we walked over to get our foot calluses eaten by little fish but they closed before we got there. So we walked on rocks in hot water. Owwww talk about pain. After soaking our feet in the hot water we went out of the room changed then Kaleb's boss invited us to come to their house and see the view. Kaleb's boss lives on the 32nd floor of this amazing apartment complex although they own the he for a small 4 million dollars they still have to pay maintance fees of 1000 dollars a month. Insane to me because the apartment is a small 3 bedroom apartment the size of a middle-class home upstairs living area. It was beautiful marble floors and counter tops that you could see your reflection in an amazing grand piano with a million dollar view balcony. Yet, the house was small. This family was so kind and their son was so intelligent chinese, Japanese, and English were his fluent languages as well as his parents minus the English. The kindness of these individuals treating us to a relaxing spa day and then showing us to their home will never be forgotten. They were sooo generous. Let's just say my first day in Japan = success! Love ya all thanks for reading see you soon- Des


  1. now i knw u hate funny how u describe eating fish and crabs, lol. but they are my favorites =). I was really laughing on how u get urself naked and throw urself to the pool as fast as u can! haha I can imagine doing same thing if im on ur shoe!! hahaha.. GOOD JOB Des! im sure tis is one of ur unforgettable experiences. Enjoy what tis other part of the world can offer! mwuah! please write more of your japan adventure. =)
    -JOAN T. =)

    1. Hehe Joan it sure was unforgettable. Well when I come visit you when ever that may be probably when Nina gets married you can have all my sea food. :)

    2. Hehe Joan it sure was unforgettable. Well when I come visit you when ever that may be probably when Nina gets married you can have all my sea food. :)

  2. haha! let u have more seafoods wen u get here! lol!
