Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hola!!! Como estas??? Bien! Jajajajaja
That was an awful attempt at my very lacking Spanish vocabulary. I will start with Kate and I’s adventure at the airport. We arrived at the airport about 7:00 P.M. The line at security was pretty long we were grateful that we arrived early so we were not rushing to make our flight. We finished getting through security about 8. We got some food and boarded the plane at 9:30. We were sitting on the plane the safety instructions were playing and then the pilot comes on the intercom in a very calm slightly unsettling manly voice. “Well folks we just got info from LAX that surrounding areas are having weather difficulties which are delaying flights in and out of LAX. Looks like we won’t be leaving for about 55 min. Kate and I both stare at each other with an uneasy look. Our layover at LAX was only 1 hour and 15 min. Kate says we aren’t going to make it. I said we got to stay positive we will make it. I was saying millions of prayers that we wouldn’t miss our connecting flight. The pilot comes on the intercom in that same steady calm unsettling manly voice. “Alright, folk looks like we will be leaving in about 30 min.” A lot of hope shot my deep-set stomach up a few millimeters. We were going to make it. I just had a feeling, but a little doubt. I just kept praying please let us make this next flight with no complications. We finally took off and I was out like a child after a long play day. When we landed about 10:40, guess whose unsettling voice came to welcome us again? Yes you have guess correctly. “Well folks looks like we will be waiting for the other  plane to leave our docking station.” Another stare of troubled looks shared between us. Trying to stay positive we will make it we will make it. Our plane finally stationed at about 11:25 ish. We got off as fast as we could ran from terminal 6 to terminal 5. They were just finishing boarding everyone. We got on and almost all my worries were gone now I just hoped and prayed that my checked luggage would make it before our flight departed at 11:59. We get on the plane and I definitely stuck out like a store thumb. Jajajaja I was the only blonde on there. J When we get on the plane and situated I hear over the intercome “Buenes noches………” and from there I got lost. Ahhhh it started to hit me a little more I was not going to be in American no more. The flight was awesome we got blankets and free movies so I started to watch the hunger games and then crashed. Kad a boom shakalaka. I finally woke up and it was bright and sunny outside. The pilot said “Buenes dia……llegada en Guatemala…..” I was here!!!! Yay!!! All of my excitement was finally realistic. When we got off the plane that is when I was thinking to myself maybe I can do this maybe I will be alright then we ask the attendant a question and guess what my repuesta was in. yep! “answer” 
Customs was easy when we started leaving the airport we had no idea who or where we were supposed to meet we were told to go with no one except someone looking for us. Luckily Craig Sinkston the owner of the clinic was holding a sign with our names. We went to his car and I was shocked to see a steering wheel lock on the wheel. I finally realized we were not in little Pocatello Idaho with windows unlocked, doors wide open and trust worthy as can be. Precautions were in  need here. We started driving and I fell in love with the green “verde” (you will be learning with me the more “mas” I use “usar” the words the better I will learn “aprendar” As we were driving a moment came that my heart literally sunk like the titanic in fast forward. As we stopped at a stop light a little girl probably the same age as Owen “my lil cuz about 6 years old” her face was dirty her clothes were torn and she had 3 lemons she started to juggle in front of our car for money. I was humbled beyond belief in those few minutes watching that little girl juggle. It is amazing how we take the simple things for granted such as, our parents working for us, or having enough means for us not to be sent to the streets as little innocent children sharing a talent for a little change. I am beyond blessed to have the life I have and I will not forget this experience ever. As we drive down the streets another thing I take for granted. Street lights and stop signs lines cross walks. Down here it is like playing chicken but the cars don’t slow down if you don’t move to bad for you amigo. Ca Plat!!! Squashed like a bug! We drove about a half hour to get to Antigua. Have I mentioned how astonished I am by the amazing green scenery? Antigua sits in the middle of a few Volcanoes. I wish with all my heart I knew the name I will have to ask again. But it is amazing you look West and see a volcano and look South and see a volcano. Words, pictures, nothing can do justice to the amazing colors and scenery. Antigua is a very touristy town there are lots of people there so I did not feel as out of place there. There is this amazing fountain in the center of town with vendors everywhere. We arrived at the el hostel about 9 A.M. It is the cutest lil thing I have ever seen. I will post pics.   we couldn’t check in til 2 so Kate and I went with Criag to get a cell phone $15 jajajaja cheapest phone I have ever bought with a good amount of minuets. But to call down here back and forth it is free so basically I paid for free minuets only to call out of Guatemala uses my minutes. We then went to the bank. I have never walked in to a bank with security guards and machine guns. AHHHHH!!!! Run!!!!  I traded 200$ for 2,000 something Quetzales. I decided that I should save 1000 for the familia we were to stay with and the rest for the hostel 230 Q  for both of us 30$ for bed and breakfast basically. And the rest for shopping so Craig told us where to go shopping so we went down the street to vendors the only problem is I look like a foreigner so they assume I want to buy everything. Kate is like you need to stop looking so American. Jajajaja. Oh well dang my blonde hair that I am fond of. So the natives (as in natives to Guatemala)  kept coming up and asking if would like to buy things. So we found a couple things that we likes I spent about 300Q  which totals about 40$ jajaja I love how cheap it is to buy things. We realized in the middle of shopping that we were hungry and then looked at the time it was about 4:30 pm and we had not eaten since they gave us peanuts on the plane. Jajaja so we went to this resturaunt called Y tu…. Pina tambien. It was so delicious I got the French toast it was really thick bread smothered in fresh strawberry syrup it was so warm and definitely hit the spot. The next place we went was this enclosed brick building ( oh quick side note the buildings in Guatemala are all made out of wood or brick. The brick hostels and business and most homes are painted in beautiful bright colors and the doors are all beautiful wood. It is awesome walking down the street and seeing the beautiful buildings.) Anyway we didn’t know if we could enter but we did anyway we walk in and realize the gigantic building enclosed by the brick walls is a Church called Inglesia San Fransisco El Grande it is amazing!!!!! Explanation points definitely needed here. The church is closer to the South Volcano but the main entrance faces the West Volcano. The arcutecture on the building is beyond my belief. The stones are beautiful there are bells on the top that ring when the servico is beginning. I will post pictures but again no pictures do justice. The garden is beautiful flowers everywhere green everywhere. Inside the church es muy grande. There are paintings of Jesus everywhere they are mainly catholic down here so there are a lot of pictures and statues memoirs of his crucifixion.  To the North of the building the most beautiful stain glass I have ever seen it had to be at least 20 feet tall and it was of him with the children. I would have taken a picture but it was not allowed. Sorry. But know it was jaw dropping. The whole time I just kept saying wow. After we finished it was about 6 pm. We were told not to be out past then so we went back to the hostel. We got ready for bed. And went to bed about 8pm I know what you are thinking everyone. What the heck desi you never have gone to bed that early ever. Si. Never I was so tired.
Day 2
Next morning we woke about 8 ate a wonderful breakfast ham eggs toast and fruit, then went to the vendors again. Today I was a little more over whelmed I was left trying to use and understand spanish. At times I wanted to scream because I can’t understand. Kate has helped me a ton. But it gets frustrating when you can’t understand or be understood. I take for granted being able to communicate. I am doing my best at trying to learn fast it is not working very well. I will keep trying it just gets overwhelming and a definitely frustrating. We got back to the hostel checked out at 11:30 and waited for our shuttle which was late may I add. He was supposed to arrive at 12:30 and didn’t arrive til about 1:30. We took the shuttle to Pana which led us to meet Andres which is the older son 20 years old he took us to the boat. You have to be careful because little kids will try and take your bags from you to carry for Q “money”. So we got to the boat to take us to Santa Cruz which is the location of the main clinic and the Maritis family. Andres is very nice he is the older Andres. There are two in the family the other one is 12. Andres’s were both born in August so therefore both named Andres. I guess a lil confusing  but one less name to remember.  Andres was very nice and paid for our boat and our tuk-tuk  a little cart like a mortorcycle but for 4 people and holds luggage.  We traveled up the hill to this little hut/house?
Next to the school yard and basketball court and right across from the Salud or medical clinic again not as many tourists here so I stick out badly. We walk in and are welcomed by momma cruz, Marita, Mario which is Marita’s espouse they have two little boys twins. Then we met Domingo which is espouse con Maria they have a lil girl she is beautiful Andrea. Then we met Jose which is espouse to Cecilia (yes when I heard her name family I did start singing in my head Cecilia I am down on my knees begging you please don’t go CECILIA!!!!) jajajaja they have a boy.  Mama Cruz is espouse papa Jose. I am still learning names and it is hard the family speaks no English Andres speaks muy picano and I speak muy picano engles. AHHHHHHHH this is me venting. It is hard but I am slowly getting a hang of it every once in a while I will pick up on words I know and slowly figure out what they are trying to say. Kate is helping too. She seems to point out my lack of espanol a lot. But I know it is bad. But like I said I am at least trying to take it all in and learn. I think the hardest part is that they don’t speak spanish as a first language it is a second language to them they speak Kaqchikel. Don’t ask because no se. I don’t know. Jajajaja it is hard. Trying to learn 2 languages at once but they are patient and wonderful at trying to help us. But communication is not easy. I can’t just go up and say hey you know your dog simba his name is the same as the movie the lion kings main character. No I had to figure out how to say. Tu perro Simba nombre es mismo de cine Lion king. That was difficult. They have a huge K-9 named Simba pretty dog and big. This house we are living in is very cute but not what we would consider a house. It is probably the size of our garages. Maybe a bit bigger. My room is closest to the street. I can hear the dogs fight, cats fight, children yell, dog growl, water run, kids running but I kinda like it. Jajaja. My room is across from the wash corner. Kate stays next to me in the other room her room is across from the sink. The bathroom is in the middle of the house to the side. So awkward when you go to the bathroom everyone can hear you. No farting in the bathroom. Jajajaja hahahhahahahahhahahha. The lavar or shower is next to the bano or toilet in a separate  lets say closet basically.  The next two rooms are mama and papa and the kids. The kitchen is small. There is only a stove and a fire to cook over. When we arrived mama cruz had a wonderful meal cooking for us. It was so goooooooooooooodddd. No joke. But they gave us way to much after eating I thought  I was going to explode. I may come home fat everyone if mama cruz doesn’t hold back on the food. She cooked us. Papas (potatoes) gusante (peas) Pollo (chicken) arroz (rice) y Zanorohia (carrots) and tortillas. Everything was cooked together except the tortilla. I loved it. I had to eat most of it but I couldn’t do it all. Overall I have loved this the family has been so nice and mama cruz was over ecstatic when we paid her I know she needed it. She is so sweet to making sure we are ok. She came and gave me a big hug before bed which made me feel better I needed a hug from a mom. I miss hugs from family and friends so I expect lots when I get home. It is getting better just a lil overwhelmed hopefully tomorrow will be better I need to rest my brain. I forgot what please was tonight. Hahahhahha por favor!!!!
Anyways goodnight everyone Clinic new next to come
Lots of loves hugs and kisses.
LOVE DESI ( ps. They can’t say my name it is very hard for them) 

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