Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend 1 continued

Weekend 1 continued
Hey everyone. So today was pretty awesome and so last night. So I will start with last night. So I was trying to explain to younger Andres that the reason I can’t sleep at night. I was saying that the cats run on the roof, the muchachos are always loud outside, they dogs fight. And I told him the night I got so much sleep I came out to use the bathroom and there was a cat outside my door and I scared it and it ran away. He didn’t understand my broken spanglish. Hahaha so Kate started to explain it in better Spanish. But when she was saying mierdo for cat poop she said mierda which is cat $h!t! hahahahahahahhahaha so Andres face was like what in the world is she saying desi scared the poop out of the cat. Hahahaha but really we meant she scared it. Hahahahaha. You have to understand this family laughs everytime I laugh because kate told them when I laugh a lot I am tired so everytime I laugh they think I am really tired but you all know I just laugh a lot. Or they could be laughing at me. Good thing to know…… hmmmm…..  Today we went to chichi to the market to buy stuff lots of stuff. I probably spent 50$ and bought about  200$ worth of stuff in America it is awesome feeling for a bargain shopper. We passed this guy begging for stuff for his son with cerebral palsy. I felt so bad and we just bought bread for .50Q. I couldn’t pass this boy up as I walked pass him he reached out for my bread. That feeling of guilt would not go away. I walked back and gave him my pan. It is sad when you see ppl that really need it. I get beggars that don’t need it. It broke my heart. I should have done more but I already spent my money. Oh on the way to the market on of the chicken busses went around a corner and rolled. A chicken bus is what all of the natives ride here to go to work or what not. It was so sad. They were pulling people up the hill as we drove past there were 10 ambulances we saw go to the scene of the accident. Anyway after the market we came home and we mopped our bedroom floors so viola wouldn’t have to. Then viola taught us how to make tortillas lets just say it was an epic fail!!!! Hahaha the dough kept sticking to my hands and I couldn’t get it to get off my hands the whole family was laughing hysterically. Then kate dropped one and long behold I dropped one also. Hahaha. We are not good tortilla flippers. Viola made like 6 in the time I made one. I called her majia manos. Magic hands. My tortillas were like a part circle and hers were perfectly round. Then for dinner which was delicious a stew with carrots whisquelle potatoes beef (we don’t know what kind of meat we are eating and I am not going to ask til the last day, let’s just say there are not a lot of animals in this part of Guatemala except dogs. Hahahahahaha) and cabbage so good. So while eating dinner I started laughing at how bad my tortillas were then the family of course started laughing then I am like I laugh a lot a good ab workout. Then kate said ya you know there are 3 things that are great for burning calories laughing, (cover your childrens eyes here) doing the naughty, (and open) and making out. And I said what the heck I have been missing out for a while I need to go find a muchacho. Hahaha and kate and I busted up laughing the family was laughing and then kate explained to them out of my unapproved no’s what I had said. They all looked at me and laughed even harder and it made me laugh and I started to cry with laughing it was so funny they are probably like what a (and cover) crazy girl. Hahahahaha. And they all just kept looking at me and laughing everytime they looked at me and spoke some kikichiquel and laughed some more. Then viola goes in espanol of course. Look desi there is your boyfriend for you right there. Haha it was an old man walking by it was so funny. Then we laughed about that. And now the joke here is desi needs a muchacho they don’t know what for. Hahaha and Lindsay is giving me 5$ dollars for a kiss. Hahahaha that is funny. I don’t think I can do it. Hahahaha. Then when talking to my mama on google plus she said ya she needs a muchacho. Hahaha just so everyone is clear I don’t need a muchacho right now maybe in the way far future. Hahaha but mama cruz said oh Andres is a good fit. Hahaha he is the younger one who is only 20. So his face was so red. I think he was as taken back like mom really you just gave me up to this American who can barley speak and laughs uncontrollably about everything. Hahaha It was so funny and so unexpected. Mama gave me away too only if Andres learns to speak English. So you know guys if he learns spanish in 2 weeks I am taken. I will marry Andres and live here forever. You can come visit me. Hahahahha. Anyway it was a great day. All the stress was gone I miss you. Til the next blog.
Love ya

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