Thursday, August 9, 2012

You know what ever day this is,,,,,,,,

Day 2 Clinic
Hello family and friends, I would love to talk to you in Spanish but I can’t I had an overload today. My day started about 6:50 a.m. We had a rough night so it was not a great amount of sleep last night. I had just finished showering and Kate came into my room to talk because there were some boys outside. So I was like well where are they. I peek my head around the corner (my room is right next to the entrance of the house so there is no front door just a small gate, don’t worry mom my window and door both have strong locks on them, plus Santa Cruz is very safe) and I see a couple boys being loud they were talking in Kikichicall so I couldn’t understand what they were saying, not that I would be able to in Spanish either. Hahahaha. Anyway I could still hear them but their voices got faint so I shut off my light and peeked out they were far away so I said Kate they are gone. So she took off running to her room and the boys started running to the gate. Kate slammed her door and I was still in the process of picking my mind to figure out what was going on. All of a sudden I saw a huge firecracker go off and I slam my door shut. For  the next 20 min I just heard the boys raving about their explosion. They finally went away around 11:30. I couldn’t fall asleep for about an hour or so because as soon as the boys went away the dogs started going crazy fighting and stuff. Ahhhh. Es no Buenos. I am just tired. But our adventure today was to San Pablo which is a 20 min boat ride from Santa Cruz. (Sorry kaycee got the name wrong on fb). So we get off the boat load our entire clinic tools into the truck. When we got everything into the truck we also entered the truck we were all standing up and it was an uphill climb. (here in Guatemala all of the cities are on hills so no matter what we have to climb the hills or drive up the hills and I am not talking a 20 degree incline it is closer to 60 degree incline. It is insane let’s just say my buttocks will be nicely toned when I get home. Hehehe. Es muy bueno. J Anyway 10 of us piled up into a little Toyota pickup and voyaged on. The clinic is very dirty in America it would have been shut down in a heartbeat. The thing is the health is so bad here there are little rules. Craig and Carmen have to comply with the rules of the Health ministry ( I wish it was as cool as the Harry potter ministry) but there are many rules to work in the clinic but not as many as in America. Here I can do ultrasounds (which I rather not), give shots which I will probably do tomorrow, and assist in many other ways. I probably will not work with the dentist til next week I need to work on my Spanish first Craig said. So I worked with Carmen all day. Every single second I am astonished by the privileges I grew up with. Today with Carmen we did pediatric care. The mothers here are so young most of them are 15-18 years old. They are not well nutrition children.  They have a lot of problems with not knowing how to feed their babies, being so young or their boyfriends leave them and they can afford to feed their babies. Nothing makes me feel so awful.  It is terrible to see these little babies with so many problems. A lot of the patients today we diagnosed with Scabies which is a parasite that is transmitted through close contact. So a lot of the babies and mothers have it. And the parasite is a lot like a bed bug but easier to get rid of. But if the mothers do not take proper care for the child’s clothing or sheets or blankets or their own the child will not get better. One child had a bad infection from the scabies so we had to give him an antibiotic injection. The scabies was infected on his hand. So I learned how to give an injection I have not gave one yet but soon I will. We just saw a lot of sad cases. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Today was a rough day. I am not feeling super confident. I wish I could explain how difficult it is to be in a situation where everyone around you is speaking a different and you understand very little. It is only understood when you are living in the situation. It is bad at the house too I can barley talk to the family because they don’t speak any English. It is going to take time I know but today I just feel way overwhelmed and I need a break from everyone hahaha which is hard to get here. I just got to stay positive. But I have also got to learn quickly.
Well Buenos noches.
Day 3 clinic
Today we stayed in Santa Cruz we only travel to different towns on Tuesday and Thursday. We went to the clinic about 9 and Craig started us with some Spanish lessons. There is so much to learn he sent us with 30 pages and about 3 tests of learning so soon I will be good at Spanish, lets at least hope. We learned for about an hour then we started checkups but as soon as we started a man walked in with half his finger cut off. Don’t worry it was just flopping around haha. It was so bad. Let’s just say not my liking.  I went to another room. Hahaha. Shhhh I am a coward. So I went Stephanie which is a medical student that is leaving in 2 days. So we finished diagnosing a old women so tiny probably 4 feet tall and she was just not feeling well. That was easy then we were about to bring the next girl in to do an ultrasound and the power went out. So the whole day we had to clinical with no power. It was a pretty easy day we finished about 3 o’clock and then we went to our house. Mama cruz made such a good dinner. It was a carne (roast) con papas y zanarzes y . It was one of the best roasts I have ever had. It was amazing. Sorry mama. The rest of the night we spent working on our spanish.
Lots of love
Day 4 clinic
Today was not off to a good start I woke Today we traveled to Tzununa to do our clinical this place is more poor than the last city we went to. The clinic is very sad. We had to put sheets up everywhere so we would have enough rooms to examine patients. This time we separated into pairs of two there were two Americans that volunteerd to help today. The man went to equidor on his mission. So Carmen stuck him with me so we could examine more ppl. It probably was comical for an outsider to watch because I would say something in spanish he would correct me then the girl would translate to kikichical. Then back kikichical to espanol to English. It was bad. But I am getting better. A lot of the symptoms are the same so I am picking up a lot more. The first patient I had today was a little bebe. She had a really bad infection in her mouth. She had pus in blisters all on the inside of her mouth it was so sad. We had to hold her down to see inside. We gave her some antibiotics and some ibepropheno for the pain. The next lady was old. She had a lot of pain everywhere and she just was not feeling well so we gave her some antibiotics for the tos which is a cough in spanish and then an injection for the pain with some ibepropheno. So today I gave my first injection in the butt. Hahahhaa it was pretty interesting. Just so you know the skin is a lot tougher than you think so you have to press really hard to get through all the layers of skin and the muscle so the needle inters all the skin. So I felt pretty accomplished today. Hopefully I get more experience like this. It is interesting. But I know for sure I don’t think I could handle working in a clinic or hospital. Tonight we are eating with Stephanie at la Iguana because it is her last night. I hope it is good. We have been so spoiled having mama Cruz cook such good food. Like for breakfast she made amazing banana pancakes. For lunch she packed us fresh fruit and peanut butter sandwiches. Well I have to go to dinner. Miss you all. Cant wait to chat this weekend for those of you who want to my skype is desi.nelson
Lots of love

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