Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Start of week 2

Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday
So Monday we did a little clinical work. I worked with Carmen and then we came home and studied. Talked with the family. I like talking with them a lot more. It is getting to be where I can understand most of what they are saying and at least try to attempt to say something back. It kinda makes me want to take a Spanish class next semester. Hahaha. Nah.
So yesterday we had an awesome time with the family. I am starting to like it here a lot better. I have submerged myself in just trying to learn instead of getting frustrated when I don’t understand what the people are saying here. I have been finding that I am understanding a lot more I may not be able to understand everything but I am understanding bits and pieces and putting them together it has been a lot better. I am getting a lot better at understanding too. So today we went to San Pedro to do clinical work as soon as we got there Craig said “Deserai do you want to do ultrasounds?” I said yes!!!! So we went in and at first it was so difficult Maria the girl that translated from Spanish to kikichiquel ( I spell this different everyday!!!) spoke way to fast I had to tell her despasso. She was very good about being kind and trying to help me understand the words I didn’t get. So the first 7 ultrasounds she did and I filled out the paperwork and measured the estomaco (stomach). Can I just tell you what an amazing thing an ultrasound is? It is hard for me to comprehend that something so amazing can be created by two people. There is no doubt in my mind that we can do this alone. I know heavenly father has made a marvelous miracle in giving us the opportunity to reproduce. It truly is a miracle. When I saw the first ultrasound it made me think of how grateful I am for such miracles. The baby is so small yet has a heart beat, head, vertebrae, legs, eyes. It is amazing to me and that it can live inside a woman it is truly  miraculous. I really loved this opportunity more than anything. I think it made me appreciate the lord and the gift he gave to us to make it possible for us to create lives. And it is a shame to see anyone take this for granted. After the 7 ultrasounds we went to lunch it was so cute mama cruz gave us fruit and tortillas. I am kinda sick of tortillas. Hahaha I like them but I need a salad sooooooooo bad and more fruit. But she is so kind to do such a selfless act for us. After lunch we went back and Maria said your turn. She is practicing English which I like because she helps me a lot. So I got to do my first ultrasound all by myself. It was kinda sad to me because the girl was only 16, but it was so amazing. It is sad most of the girls that are pregnant are younger than me without husbands. It breaks my heart. I was worrying about what I was going to do with my friends every weekend not worrying about being pregnant. How grateful I am for not having to grow up like these girls do. I got to find the heart and the head and we measured the head and counted the heart beat and showed the mama the bebe. They love seeing it on the screen. Some of them get a little emotional. I then got to do 5 more ultrasounds. It was so cool and amazing. I don’t think I could do it for a living but I am so grateful for the opportunity to that. It was such a busy day at the clinic that after we were done with the ultrasounds we had to take patients. We had 3 ppl with worms and then I had to watch Craig do a urinary exam. Not my favorite. At least I had no STD patients Kate had about 15 patients with STD’s it is so bad here. We didn’t head home til 5:30 it was so late. I couldn’t believe it. Crazy day we had over 60 patients. When we went home mama Cruz was making tortillas so we decided to try and help again. Younger Andres was laughing at us. Hahaha. It is bad. I can’t make them like mama cruz. All in all it was a good day. I keep waking up with Charlie horses in my calves though. I hate it. We definitely don’t get enough potassium or iron here.
Today was clinic here in Santa Cruz I had a few patients of my own. Scary!!! It is getting better. Luckily the translaters speak clearly and slowly for us. I gave two injections in the butt today. Hahahha can I just say I have seen more butts and boobs here then I ever have in my whole life. Hahahhaha after I was done with my patients Craig had me come with him.  I had to watch my first Pelvic exam. Lets just say not a fan. It was difficult for me. This means I don’t think I could be an OBGYN. After we were done with the pelvic exam he had me do two more ultrasounds. That has definitely been my favorite part of this whole experience. After we were done with clinical we went to lunch which mama cruz made lunch for everyone in the clinic because it was DR. Carmens birthday. After we were done with lunch we took a boat to pana to get money (thanks momma) and stuff to make oreo truffles for the family. (They loved them). Then we came home and made the truffles. Why Kate was emailing I was talking to the family about west side story because the girl in the movie is named Maria I was trying to say east and it is just esta. So I was saying esta su estorio. Very bad spelling but I was using my hands and Jose was like no! NSEsta or esta hahahahha. I said oh my no no no es the name of the movie. Hahahahha they cracked up forever because they thought I was trying to say NSEW but really I was just saying the name of the movie with my hands. It was funny. We all laughed for a long time. Oh and yesterday mama cruz made the best choco banana ever and I said I loved them so much I was going to sneak in the room at night and eat them all and Papa said like a ratton. Which is a rodant? Hahahaha we cracked up so hard so jose and I are the rattons because we love choco bananas so much we will sneak in like rats and eat them all. So overall it is getting to be a really good experience now that I am getting adjusted. Oh and I taught the family food bebe except comida bebe they thought it was funny to be embarazado con comida bebe. Pregnant with a food bebe. I said if I was really pregnant my dad would kill me. They cracked up hard core. I love that they love laughing at me. Every time I mean every time I laugh they start laughing. I don’t know if they think I am crazy or just like laughing with me anyway. Love you all miss you and I miss American chocolate and skittles. Hahahha. Love ya
DESERAI!!!!!!!!! Or deci uno or desi!!!!!

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