Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My last week L Lunes y Martes,

Hola familia y mi amigas. Puede hablo espanol muy major. No mas voy a America. Usd. Es necessario por tu vamos a Guatemala por que Guatemala es mi nuevo casa. Jaja.
Ok that was a very awful attempt at my mala (bad) espanol. Hello family and friends. I am able to speak Spanish better. I will no longer be coming to America. You all need to come to Guatemala because Guatemala is my new house. Hahaha that is what that said. I am definitely getting better at the Spanish which sucks because I am leaving soon which makes me want to be here longer and learn more. It is amazing what living in a Spanish home and environment and how it can improve your ability to speak another language. I didn’t think I would ever be able to have a conversation when I first arrived here. But today I got done with work early and Jose and I had a conversation for about an hour. Even though I am slow at putting the sentences together and I don’t do it correctly I am getting better and able to communicate. And what a feeling that is! I am getting so sad to leave. L. I am trying to soak up every minute of this experience and I have not been doing my homework very well. Today was a spectacular day though! I got to work with the dentist finally!!!!! We first started by going to homes of different children learning about their brushing habits and the environment they live in. It is so sad to me to see some of these homes there is no privacy in some of them. I am so privileged and every day I have to thank my heavenly father. It is amazing the way these people live but the even more amazing thing to me is these people are happy. They don’t need everything we have to be happy they can live with just the simple necessities. (yes you may break into song here I did too! It’s the bare necessities…..). After seeing some other people’s homes we went to the school to check kid’s teeth to see which students needed sealants. Can I just say thank you mom and dad and grandparents for caring enough to make sure my teeth were taken care of? Seriously I am astonished at these children’s teeth. I have never in my life seen so many cavities. Every kid had rotting decaying teeth. These parents just don’t care and some of the teeth are permanent teeth rotting. It is so sad. I am depressed every time a child here smiles because their teeth are so bad. We got a couple of kids with permanent teeth that were able to be sealed. We went back and the dentist said seal them. She didn’t show me how just let me do it!!! It was so awesome I did about 12 sealants today all by myself! I can tell you now this is my calling. I know for a fact this is what I want to do I didn’t get bored like I do when I work with the doctors. It was so much fun. The dentist said I can come back the rest of this week and work on the sealants some more. I am so freaking excited. Hahahaha.
Yesterday Monday we worked all day didn’t really like how long the day was and plus we had this little girl that stuck something up her nose and so Craig asked me to hold her head while he was pulling it out of her nose. That was the hardest thing I have done in a long long long time. I am serious. I couldn’t do it. Her head was hot and her nose was bleeding and it stunk so bad. I couldn’t let her head move otherwise she could have got really hurt. I felt so bad. I defiantly will not be able to do something like that again. I will stick to the dentist stuff.
Well that is my last two days in a nutshell.
Lots of love,

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