Tuesday, August 7, 2012

day 2 clinic

 Como estas? Estoy bueno.
I am doing good here it is hard not having any form of communication. When we left our el hostel in Antigua we left the wifi. Here at the Martitis family’s home we don’t have wifi access. So when we get a modem is when you will receive this email. The language is really deficitco para me. “difficult for me”. The family is wonderful mama cruz is the sweetest lil lady. She is always making sure we are alright and taken care of she is definitely a mother. She wants to make sure that we leave our clothes in a basket after we are done so she can wash them right away. And she feeds us like no other. The day we got here and she gave us chicken leg a 4” piece of corn full plate of potatoes and carrots peas and rice. It was so hard to eat and I didn’t even eat lunch. So for breakfast today which is Tuesday we got 2 eggs covered in a mild hot sauce and tortillas and rice milk. Everything is eaten with tortillas. It again was hard to eat. Everything has been very delicious she just gives us too much. So for lunch she made a wonderful stew. Potatoes carrots peas and served with orange juice it was delicious I told her I have to Comida piqano es muy bueno but full and she said a si. So now it is getting better. For dinner she gave us a awesome meal I mean awesome!!! It was pasta shells, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, corn, and melted in cheese. So awesome. I took a picture of it. I loved it. We went to pana today to get money out and they wouldn’t let us so we will try again tomorrow. Sounded or at least what we understood is that their machine to pull the money out was broken. It is so hard to understand.  I am getting better at understanding the locals when they speak in spanish. When the speak kikichicael. I don’t pick up anything. All the locals in Santa cruz are nice. We went to the clinic for the first time today. Craig gave us books and study material. This has been hard for me to pick up and he says we need to do as much practice as possible. There is so much to learn and so little time. We were going to go to the clinic with craig and Carmen.  Carmen is the other doctor. They are dating outside the clinic one of the cute lil staff ladies also named Carmen said. But they keep it professional at the clinic. But a lady came in that was 26 weeks pregnant and was starting to go into labor so we left with lil Carmen. When Dr. Martinez which is Carmen was talking to us about patients it made me realize that we all have the same problems. Pg-13 for those who it bothers beware_________ It is crazy. So one of the locals got pregnant really young which is common here in Santa cruz the young girls don’t use birth control because they don’t want their parents to know they are sexually active so they seek no help even though it would be provided in confidentiality. Any way this young girl got pregnant by her teacher who is married. He is denying it is his child but everyone knows but he is the mayors brother so he is a little higher status. So this girl has a mal nutrition baby because she has no means to feed it. So see teachers go after youngsters everywhere not just in America . Hahahaha. Another story was of a man who came in and had troubles urinating. Craig said there are only a few reasons for this I will keep it clean. Urination problem, because of sexually transmited disease and something else. He would not tell Craig what he had done because he didn’t want his wife to know he was drinking and then when to a whore house with his friend. But now he gave it to his wife so now he has too treat his wife to. ___________ I don’t know why I have been so unaware that these things can happen anywhere it just is funny to me that I was so closed minded that I thought America was the only messed up place. Don’t worry for all of you as ditzy as me. It is everywhere. Hahaha. Well all in all I am doing well. I just need to learn more Spanish. Why craig didn’t give us more homework before we came I will never understand. But I really do miss all of you I do miss America it is beautiful here. But there is so much we take for granted such as Santa Cruz is a city in the mountains it is up hill about 75 degree climb. It has random stray dogs running everywhere pooping on the streets which is where the locals walk every morning. And for such a beautiful place trash is everywhere thank goodness for land fields. And we walk everywhere the women only go to Pana by boat once or twice a week for groceries and have to carry them up hill for at least 20 min uphill climb. We are basically living like they did before tv and stuff. There is a few luxuries electricity and hot water but no stove no wash machine no dish washer. The house has no front door just a gate but all of the rooms lock individually. The men go to work women stay at home to do house work. It is amazing the way they do things but without a doubt I am blessed to have all the luxuries I have. I definitely take my life for granted and for that I am embarrassed beyond contrast. I worry about stupid things such as ppl not txt me back, my brother bugging me, not having anything fun to do on a Friday night. When some of these people in the village have to worry about how they are going to feed their families. I am ashamed of my lack of gratitude towards my heavenly father for the amount of blessings I receive daily or just that I have received throughout my entire life. Yes these people have families and friends but they don’t have access to the gospel here. It is definitely in need here these people are amazing and could use it without a doubt. I thank you all for being supportive. It is definitely not easy thanks for everything. Love you all

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