Sunday, August 26, 2012

Departure or not.....

Departure or not…. L
So today was our last day with the family. Last night Momma Cruz made dinner for everyone in the family. So we had Domingo his 4 kids and wife, Romos and his 2 kids and wife, Martita and her husband and Audrey, Viola and Andres and Mama Cruz. Domingo and his family weren’t there because Domingo and Papa had to go play in the band for the church. So we all ate a big lunch with Domingo his family and Papa. Let’s just say we ate a lot of food yesterday. We took family pictures with the family then we went inside and I gave them my camera so they could take their own pictures. They were so excited to have a camera. Then Martita left she told us goodbye and she started crying and you all know how I am once someone starts crying so do I, I am so weak. It is sad. It was in that moment of time I realized that it is a possibility that I could never see this family ever again. I have not thought about it really. It hit me like a fast ball to my stomach. It is amazing to me that we can meet people in our lives and get to know them be like them and never have contact with them the rest of our lives. We are so lucky that we can have the opportunity to meet people that have positive affects in our lives. But when the time comes to say goodbye it can be one of the hardest things we will have to do. I am so sad about leaving this family. They have been so good to us. They have shown me how to love strangers as family and even though we have barriers we can learn to communicate if we are open to trying new things. I will never forget this wonderful family. Leaving them probably was one of the hardest things I have done in a really long time. I am still tearing up about leaving them. There are things I have learned that I don’t know how to describe to other people. This morning Mama Cruz made us banana pancakes my favorite. They were sooooo good it was a great goodbye gift. When all my stuff was packed up and my room was empty I started crying again. Then Mama Cruz and Viola really got me. They are the ones I have spent a lot of my time with and have done so much for us selflessly. Sometimes we do things for others we may think it is selfless but we all have another underlying layer or selfishness. Here I saw true selflessness. I have learned I need to do a lot more selfless things, truly selfless things. I am so sad to leave here. I really am. I know coming here was hard for me but leaving is definitely harder.
Well we were supposed to leave at 4 or so we thought. Kate checked our flight and she thought it said we were supposed to leave at 4 well lets just say it left when we got to the airport 12:30. So now we have to wait until tomorrow morning at 7:30 to fly out. It is kind of frustrating I thought I would have a day to get ready for school and see my family but, I guess I will have to wait til Monday. L I am sad. But at least we will be going home. Now I am just sitting in the airport since 1:30 this afternoon it is 6:30 now. We don’t have any internet until we get our tickets and we can’t get our tickets until tomorrow morning. It is frustrating but oh well. There is nothing we can do. I guess we should have checked one more time last night. Ahhh. Oh well. I guess I will see you all soon. And if my journey continues passed this don’t worry I will let you all know.
Well my journey has continued. We were sitting in the airport upstairs cafeteria until this man came upstairs and told us we couldn’t stay there for the night that we had to go downstairs to stay for the night. So we are like ok we can go downstairs. Well folks let’s just say downstairs is not just downstairs it is outside the airport then downstairs. I don’t think I have ever been more frightened in my life. Walking outside Guatemala city airport (Guatemala city is not very safe) then walking down a creepy slightly dark set of stairs to the first floor. We walk inside and I feel a little better there are at least some people here. Then a family of other LDS people show up I start to feel a lot more safe. It was a nice peaceful calming experience compared to the stress day I had. So we start to talk to them grab some dinner. Then decided it was safe for some of us to sleep with such a large group so right as we fall asleep and the other family puts down their babies to bed a big ERRRRRREEEEEKKKKKK goes across the floor. Sorry folks we have to mop can you please move to this side of the room. Move again. This was our 3rd time moving all our luggage. It was ridiculous utterly ridiculous. So we get moved pull together some chairs and make a bed. Lets just say I stayed the night with a bunch of strangers in a dark cold room. Hahaha it was nice to get some sleep since we had been at the airport all day. Ahhh. But we got up at 4 went and got our tickets and checked it. Finally we got on our plane and we are on our way home. Yay!!!
Lots of love,
Watching the Lorax on the computer just thought I would share this quote with you all. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not” -Dr. Suess

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