Friday, August 10, 2012


Day 5 clinic
Hey everyone I hope all is well. Let me know what is up with you all. This one way connection is sad. Haha. Well anyway today was good this morning Mama Cruz made us some oatmeal with bananas and we also had some beans and eggs. It was way too much food. Ahhh I can’t do this. It is killing me eating this much food. Ahh. I talked to Carmen yesterday and she said don’t eat more food than you want. So I decided to leave food on my plate to see if she would get the idea. Nope. So we went to the clinic about 9 and there was not a lot of ppl at the clinic so we went ahead and we just had Spanish class my Spanish is slowly improving slowly. I learn by association so everything I learn I have to associate with something else for example. Colgar is to hang or dangle so if you don’t brush your teeth with colgate your teeth will dangle. Haha so this is how I am slowly learning. We got done with class about 12 so we came home and mama Cruz had made tortillas stacked with broccoli, zanhorias, queso, bisquill. It was so good but she tried to give me 4 I could only down 3. The tortillas she makes are about the size of a palm so not like American tortillas. Haha I think I would barf if she fed us that much. We then decided to go to Pana to get an internet card so we can talk to everyone I got a beautiful gift for mama!!! And some other ppl. When we were there it started raining it was miserable. I wanted to cry. HahahA. Surprise I have not shed a tear yet. But I may be getting sick. I felt bad this morning couldn’t breathe again and now my whole body aches. Let’s just hope it is nothing too big. I think it will be fine. I just need to distress and sleep. One thing I haven’t done much of since being here. You see when I hear cats and chickens on the roof every morning. Today for dinner mama Cruz cooked a Spanish twist on spaghetti. It was really good. A little bit of beef and lots of onions and a really good sauce. I wish you could understand the miracles this mama makes in such a tiny area. I would love to send photos but it costs too much on the internet. I also discovered that the launcha was ripping us off. Today coming home from Pana to Santa Cruz I only had a 5 and 100 Q so I gave him the 5 and he took it like I never gave him any less. Craig said to try it and told us how to fold it. So I did and it worked.
One little side note. So Kate and I ate with Stephanie because it was her last night and we were there til about 9 and we thought we could get a tuk tuk but we couldn’t it was too late. So we were like well lets just walk up the hill like we did last time. So we started walking and we get to the  hill and Kates flashlight was not working so we were going to attempt to walk up the hill but Kate is like I have a weird feeling and I was glad she said something because I also had a weird feeling. So we decided to wait at la Iguana bar until some other girls walked up and the guy that was working and he said if you don’t want to walk up you can stay in my hostel and I will sleep in a hammock and I was like no way. So we waited for a good half hour and a boat came we ran and it was 2 other ladies so we decided 4 was better than 2 so we walked up with them and everything was great went to bed and all was well. We had no idea why we both got that feeling but we were both glad we waited.
I love you all and miss you!!!!! The weather is bad because of the hurricane causing bad weather to flow our way. Again I miss you. See you all soon. One week down 2 to go.
Please let me know how you are. I am in the middle of nowhere and need some English conversations. Hehehe Adios.

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