Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eruption!!!! Volcano day!!!

Today we woke up at 6:30 to go to the volcano at 7. We missed the launcha so we had to take another launcha to catch the launcha that we missed. It was kind of funny. I am always late and Mama Cruz was late in getting our lunch and breakfast made. It was good but not enough protein. I really am in bad need of protein and potassium. We got to San Padro and took a tuk tuk up to the hiking grounds I am so glad we did because I never would have made it up to the top of the volcano if we didn’t. hahaha We started off it wasn’t bad but once we got into the forest part it was so hard. Hahaha like I am usually a pretty good hiker but this time I was not my nose is still pretty plugged and not being able to breathe well, didn’t help either. It was one of the hardest yet one of the prettiest hikes I have ever been on. The steps going up were seriously up to my knee if not sometimes higher. It was so bad I haven’t been getting the vitamins I usually get at home both of my knees kept cramping up. It was so bad. I was a walking mess. Although let me tell you I have never felt more accomplished in my life. To get to the top it took about 3 hours and it was the most beautiful sites I have ever seen. I am so amazed by Heavenly Fathers creation of this beautiful earth. I love every moment of it!! We ate lunch on the top of the world. I am seriously amazed everyday by how beautiful it is here. Every day I am more and more amazed. I was still full from breakfast so I had a Peanut butter sandwich with honey. We taught them to do that. It was so perfect. On the way down I didn’t struggle at all we were going so fast and everyone was laughing at me on the way down. I guess I was saying really funny stuff. Hahaha I don’t know. I have just got used to them laughing at me. Hahaha. I kind of feel like I am back home except at home I feel like they are laughing with me more. J who knows? Well all in all today was a great day. Tomorrow we are taking the family to Chichi they have never been.  So Kate is paying for them to go with us. It should be fun. I am excited!!!!!
Lots of love

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