Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekend 1

Weekend 1
Hey everyone. Today was the first weekend. Yay!!! So we didn’t work today.  I finally went to bed early I went to bed around 10. I know shocker and I slept in til 8. Awesome 9 hours of sleep. It felt so nice and I feel a little better my nose wasn’t as stuffed today. Andres (older) was with us today because mama and papa Cruz and viola were at the Ingles fiesta, which is a fiesta for their church. So Andres and his wife Rosa made us Banana pancakes with honey (meil). They were really good. He used to be a cook when he was younger so he has a talent in cooking. After breakfast we felt like we were up for a hike. So Andres took us hiking with Miguel and Jose Miguel and Scooby (Scooby is Simbas brother a perro (dog)). I probably should have waited until I could breathe. Hahaha. It was so hard. The elevation here is about the same as Pocatello and it wasn’t too different from a normal real mountain hike in Pocatello. It was just hard to breath because tengo moco donde me naries. Hahah I had a lot of mucus stuffing up my nose. It was one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever been on though. We started by walking up the main street of Santa Cruz then we started the long and wonderful hike up the muy Supido very steep mountain. It had so much lodo (mud) and not to mention I walked (Caminar) into a lot of Talor(spider webs). Haha There really hasn’t been a bunch of spiders which I am totally grateful for. The whole hike up I was just had a bunch of thoughts of how lazy us American’s are. You see this mountain is beyond steep and the whole way up you see farmers’ fields on the side of the mountains. I mean literally they are planting their fields on mountains. It amazes me that they are willing to plant these fields in such a terrible place to get corn or mais. But I guess if that is what you grew up doing that is what you are going to continue doing it until you can find means to do something else or until you know a different way. There were a lot of locals walking down when we were they were high-speeding it down the hill muy rapido very fast. They made us look like a turtle and them the cheetah.  Haha. It was a good hike so beautiful where we went you could look over the whole lake and see both the volcanoes. That is what we are going to tackle next week. Well I hope all is well
Till next time
P.s. my Spanish is improving.

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