Thursday, August 2, 2012

Emotional roller coster! :)

Well I gave in I finally decided to get a blog. This is a total shocker to me too. Tomorrow is the day I leave for Guatemala. It seems so surreal. My emotions are complicated they are like a never ending bottomless pit. Once you think you have one emotion under control another one attacks out of no where.  I am super excited, super nervous, and just a little sad. I feel like I have bad timing with the trip, but I know I was supposed to go at this time for some reason. I am super excited to meet the family we will be staying with. I am hoping I will pick up the language that seems to be the thing turns my tummy the most. I know what I will be doing is an amazing experience and I will soak in all of it. I am so grateful to the people who helped make this trip possible. You know who you are and I will forever be grateful. You are not only helping me but ones less fortunate than us. I love you all for you kind generosity and astounding encouragement.  I fly out tomorrow night and won't get in to Guatemala until around 6 a.m. As soon as I get internet or some wifi I will keep you all posted. I love all of my families and friends thanks for your support and love I will miss you. Well until next time. See ya later gaiters.

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