Friday, August 17, 2012


Hola mi familia y amigos,
Today was an awesome day we went zip lining in Pana at the Atitlan Nature Reserve. There were two zip lines you could choose from the first was the Cables Xtremos or the Ultra Cable Xtremos. We decided to do the Ultra of course. It was amazing. It was 8 zip lines long and it took over 3 hours to get through the whole course. They said this is the shortest of the 4 ultra extreme zip lines it is only 400 meters long the other ones are over 800 meters long. It was the coolest thing I have done since parasailing in Jamaica. Just saying if you ever have the chance to go zip lining in Guatemala do it!!!!! It was so beautiful they had a nature reserve and they had a mauriposol reserve in the same place so for 40$ you got to zip line and see the entire national reserve park. It was tremendously beautiful you had the lake on one side of you and the Forrest on the other side. I truly loved it. After the zip line we went to the fruit market and the market to get stuff to make French toast for dinner Sunday. Hopefully they like it. One thing I have taken for granted is American super markets oh how dearly I miss them. I can’t wait to go shopping for something and actually finding it. That will be a very exciting day. The family and us talked and laughed all night. They are so awesome. Again I got teased. Kate brought it up this time that Andres and I are in love. Viola says he is scared of me. Hahahaha oh you know I kind of have that affect on ppl. Hahahaha Andres is funny he gives you this look like he is laughing at his head at you but it is his smile but he also does it for his silent laughs so I never know if he is laughing or smiling. So every time I laugh they all laugh Mama Cruz especially and Andres just gives me his smile laugh. I wish I could describe it better but that is the best you are going to get. So you know how yesterday Mama Cruz taught us to weave well she finished today and gave me a beautiful bufanda. I love it, it is so pretty and colorful it is a scarf. Well there was not a whole lot we did today but it probably was my favorite day. Best wishes to you all.
Love desi! J

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