Thursday, August 16, 2012

Simple Gratitude

Thursday week 2
Today was pretty simple I woke up and was so tired I don’t think I slept well last night. I can’t remember. But we got ready and Mama Cruz had made pasta for breakfast (desayuno). It was so good but I couldn’t eat a lot I felt bad. It is hard for me to eat so many carbs I get really hot and my tummy swells. So this was a bad combination I didn’t feel fantastic after eating today. I felt awful actually. So we walked down the hill to catch the boat to Tzununa at 8:30 we are supposed to leave at 9. Craig was so late he got there about 9:30 so we got to the clinic late and also there were a ton of people. I had a lot of old ladies today with problems with pain so I did a lot of injections. There was a girl last week that we saw had a bad ear infection it looked worse today. She has no pain but it looked awful so we gave her an anti-swelling medicine. Then there were a lot of people with parasites. It was not fun at all today. I was tired and bored. Hahaha. It is just getting to be the same thing over and over. Craig is going to have me work with the dentist the last week I am here, so next week. J Oh well. Now we are just sitting at the house not really doing anything it is about 2:50. Hopefully it is a good night and I don’t get to much food again. Last night it was really hard for me to eat. She fries her broccoli and I love broccoli I just can’t take it down when it is fried. And I really don’t like her fried rice. L I feel bad but I can’t eat it.  Mama Cruz taught us how to weave today. The first part was really easy after a while. The second part is so complicated. There is a rhythm that she has when she does it that is hard to pick up. It was very difficult. She is going to do more with us tomorrow. :? Hahaha. I am so impressed and grateful for the people that spend time making stuff by hand. It is so impressive it truly is an art and a talent. I am grateful that we don’t have to make our own clothing. There is so much time that is needed and patience hahaha. I don’t think I could do. How grateful I am to have the life I have. I have been thanking heavenly father everyday for all the privliges I have been given. The opportunity to be here, to have this experience, for the life I was placed into, the family I have, and the opportunity to do things equally. How sorry I am for the selfish ways I have. These people here have so little and give more than you could think of. The women very rarely get to learn from a school because they usually have to grow up fast. If you read this sit down for 5 min and give gratitude to your father in heaven for all you have because if you are reading this you have way more opportunities and others and you also are very blessed. The people here don’t have computers, don’t have good pay and they work probably 3 times as hard as we do to keep their lives afloat. They don’t realize how blessed we are and neither do we. Until you see it for yourself I don’t think you will understand. I just hope you just take a minute to give thanks for what you have. I myself have been ignorant of all my beyond countless blessings. I love you all and I am so grateful for the life I have the people that have had an impact in opening my eyes. Thank you Kaycee and Grier, Karli and Shawn, Grandma Pat, G.G and Don, Mom and Dad for making it possible for me to come here you have opened my eyes and your donations have gone farther than getting me here. I was uneasy on wanting to come and I am so glad I did. You have helped my education, the people here learning from us, your donations help buy medications for sick underprivileged children, buy milk for moms that can’t afford to feed their children, helped grandmothers with pain so they can keep working and taking care of their families, it helped the family that I am staying with we each paid them 3000 Q which is 400$ which is together is 6,000Q which is 3 times the amount they would make in a month, and so much more blessings. I hope you know the impact you had on me and others. I am so grateful.  Thank you!!!! I love you all so much. See you in a week!!!
Love DESI!!!

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